Posted in Fun

A Hymn For the Holiday

Independence Day

Glancing across the landscape of America, one can’t help but note the problems. Inflation, crime, political polarization and immigration issues are just a few that come to mind. It’s easy to throw up our hands and mumble “it is what it is” to deal with the problems before us.  Nevertheless, America is still a very bright and alluring star, as evidenced by the thousands willing to risk their lives on a dangerous journey, filled with the hope of a better life on this side of a very porous border.

Migrant Caravan (Google Image)

Americans don’t quit on their problems, and I remain confident that we’ll work through this set while tackling others as they emerge. We are a nation of great people, founded on a quest for freedom and governed by laws written by some brilliant men. For the most part, those laws have stood the test of time.

The Fourth of July is set aside as the day when a nation founded on the principles of freedom celebrates those freedoms, including the right to speak our mind, elect our leaders, and move about our country at will. Also on the list is the freedom to (or not to) worship…a guiding principle for the founding of America. Let it never be forgotten that Americans died defending those freedoms.

Veterans Cemetery – Knoxville, TN

America is overwhelmingly blessed with abundant natural resources and staggering beauty as a nation. In 1918, Irving Berlin, with his family, immigrated to America fleeing anti-Semitic persecution in Russia, and wrote a song asking the Almighty for those blessings to continue. Twenty years later, a young Kate Smith began performing the music, making it a staple on American radio.

I think of “God Bless America” as a hymn celebrating the divine creation and the majesty of America and love hearing it played on the Fourth of July. Several years ago, I used some of the pictures from our early trips across the country and put together a short video to illustrate Berlin’s words. I thought this weekend would be an excellent time to bring it out.

Happy 246th birthday to our great, treasured nation that is still the world’s hope. May God bless America.

To enlarge to full screen, click the button in the lower right corner of the video

Easin’ Along

Joseph C. Bruner

LTC U.S. Army (Ret)

12 thoughts on “A Hymn For the Holiday

  1. Thank you Joe… wonderful photos & reminder to all of our many blessings as Americans!! Posey & Joe

  2. God bless America, indeed, Joe. Thank you for the poignant reminders of why the US is great and why Americans are quick to defend it despite the world’s problems. Hope all is well with you and you and Helen are enjoying your weekend.

    1. Terri,
      We are still a great nation, but things are a bit messy right now. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, that for sure. Our holiday is rather low-key, but I hope you’re having a great time on your trip. Stay safe and stay in touch. Joe

  3. Well said and nicely done, Joe. Despite our country’s many trials and tribulations, I, too, feel we are blessed and so very fortunate. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many, many citizens who have gone to battle – literally and figuratively – to protect our rights and our freedom. We’re enjoying our family’s own version of Independence Day this weekend – our son’s wedding was joyously celebrated by family and friends. Hugs to you and Helen!

    1. Happy Fourth, Mary,
      We are truly blessed to live in this great country. Congratulations to your son and your new daughter-in-law. I’m certain you had a lot of fun and pulled it off your part perfectly with your planning skills. Now, sit back and enjoy the fireworks. Always great to hear from you. Joe

  4. Joe, your video is a wonderful reminder of the vast and diverse beauty of our country. I enjoyed seeing just a sampling of the many places that you and Helen have traveled through your beautiful photos. How fortunate we are, as you said, to live in a nation where we have so many freedoms and rights. These are precarious times, indeed, and I’m holding tight to the hope that we can once again find our way to being a beacon of light for the world.

    And by the way…I did not know that you held such high rank in the Army. Thank you, Joe, for your service to our country.

    We send you and Helen our best. Happy Fourth of July!

    1. Hi, Laurel,
      We were talking about you and Eric this morning and wondering where y’all were spending the Fourth. It seems pretty strange for us to be home this year instead of camped somewhere. Oh well, we get to spend time with our great neighbors for a change. Like you, I’m hopeful we can get some good leadership and work our way out of the mess we find ourselves in…fingers are crossed. My service in the Army was a distinct honor for me, and I’m so grateful I had the opportunity. Looking forward to seeing what you’re up to, so please stay in touch. Joe

  5. Joe, this is the most meaningful tribute to our country that I have read lately. Yes, people died for this freedom we so cavalierly take for granted. That alone should be a sobering reminder to us all that we can rise above petty politics and remember what and who made our country great.

    All the best to you.

    1. Good morning, Suzanne,
      Our country is a mess right now, but it’s still the best and brightest star out there. I pray that we’ll find some strong leadership, grounded in the principles that made us great, to get us back on track. I certainly believe it’s doable. Always great to hear from you. I hope you and Malcolm had a fun Fourth! Joe

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