Posted in Fun

First It’s One Thing, Then Another

Neighborhood color

It has been a glorious week in Knoxville, Tennessee. The temperatures are comfortable and warming up a bit more.  Our flowers, flowering trees, and shrubs are peaking rapidly.  The annual Dogwood Arts Festival offers a big weekend celebration with music, food, and all things art on the World’s Fair Site lawn. After two weeks of some serious stuff, I was ready to join in the fun until life threw us a curveball.

My favorite line from the movie City Slickers goes like this–“There’s no such thing as a normal life…there’s just life!” This favored line is accurate, and Helen and I proved it this week. Ease Along with us and get a glimpse of a week with more than a smidgen of ups and downs.

Helen began the week feeling no ill effects from her surgery and was more than capable of functioning somewhat normally.  Her caregiver (that would be me) was quite impressed and extremely grateful.  In addition, and most importantly, we’ve been overwhelmed and beyond grateful for the love and support sent by friends from across the country. Our neighbors, Helen’s close friends, and gal-pals have been nothing short of amazing with their love, support, and attention. Our church family deserves special mention for the meals sent to us when we had no intention or desire to cook for ourselves. Helen has received a basketful of cards and letters from friends everywhere. Those cards have gone a long way toward keeping her spirits up.

Lots of love and well-wishes here!

I won’t get into all of the tasks required of a breast cancer patient post-op, but it can get very involved.  Nevertheless, Helen was handling things well and was ready to move on to the next step. On Thursday, we went to an office visit with one of the surgeons.  Dr. Gibson was pleased with her progress and spent some time explaining the process from this point on very thoroughly. After the surgery, he had covered this with us, but not much of it sank in.

Bluegrass Music

We visited with Dr. Lo, the second surgeon involved in Helen’s operation, on Friday.  Dr. Lo was also pleased with her progress and began some of the next steps of her treatment. Again, I’ll leave out the details, but Helen left Dr. Lo’s office in a lot of pain.  My solution was to take her to the Waffle House for breakfast.  Breakfast helped, but she was still very uncomfortable.  I knew it had to be severe because Helen never complains. We planned to attend the Dogwood Arts Festival downtown later in the day, and she assured me that she planned to go after a short rest.

I took her back home, then left to run an errand.  When I returned, she looked at me somewhat teary-eyed (very unusual) and said she had suddenly developed a high fever and felt ill.  Fortunately, and ironically, she had ordered eight government-issued COVID-19 test kits that arrived the day before.  She took the test, and…you guessed it, she tested positive. 

Marks at C and T indicate positive for COVID

We didn’t attend the Festival, and Helen went from bad to worse, then went to bed. Our family doctor called in an anti-viral medication for her, but it was only available at a pharmacy across town.  I left her once more to retrieve the medicine, thinking, “How much more can she take?”

It was a long night, but I’m delighted to report that Helen was much better by morning.  She still had a fever and was in some pain, but nothing like the previous day. She is now working on her puzzle. I tested negative, but I’m Easin’ Along a long way away from direct contact.  I’m sure readers will understand.

Festival Fireworks

There’s no such thing as a normal life. Every once in a while, God will pull you through a keyhole.

Easin’ Along

21 thoughts on “First It’s One Thing, Then Another

  1. Enough is enough! So very sorry COVID has reared its ugly head. Praying symptoms will be mild and Helen will recover quickly with lots of new antibodies!

    1. Good afternoon, Carolyn,
      We’re working our way through it all and things are improving. We got our hands on some anti-virals and they have helped. Thankfully, I’m still testing negative, but I am probably a big target for a virus attack. Great to hear from you and we’ll stay in touch. Joe

    1. Thanks, Donna,
      She’s better today. Those thoughts, prayers, and Helen’s rosy outlook are keeping her going. Have a great week! Joe

  2. Hello Helen and Joe. Just got done reading your roller coaster week review and then I will share with Nancy, once she awakens from her afternoon nap. She’s into a routine not enjoyable but necessary, since she has been doing pain meds several times a day for her MS pain. Anyway, thanks for your update and prayers for Helen to get the darn COVID fever gone and enjoying her recovery as much as possible! 🙏😍😍

  3. I just got done reading this update to Nancy and we are praying for you both! Hopefully you will have a better and blessed week ahead! 😍🙏😍

    1. Dan,
      I don’t think I knew that Nancy was dealing with MS, I just knew she was facing some challenges. Please know that we are with you in both thought and prayer. Helen is doing much better once the anti-viral medication took effect. We still have a long road ahead, but we’re better today. Hugs! Joe

  4. Oh, covid, the gift that keeps on giving! Poor Helen! At first I was concerned that something flared up with the surgical site so I’m glad it was “just” covid. You are an amazing husband, friend and caregiver to your lovely wife. Thank you for sharing bits of your lives. I just talked to a colleague who lives in Chattanooga–says it was 80 F today. Take good care and lean into your wonderful church family and friends. God looks out for you and blesses you!

    1. Hi, Terri,
      Always great to hear from you. “It’s just COVID” is a great way to look at this episode, and Helen is handling it well. Thankfully, the anti-viral medicine works well and the antibodies will help in the future. Your Chattanooga friend is correct. We had 80-degree weather this weekend and more is expected today before we settle into the ’70s (ahh spring…). I loved your flower post and your wildflower pictures. Enjoy the season and have a wonderful week. Joe

  5. That’s alot to deal with. Since I’ve been a cancer patient for over 17 years, there’s always ups and downs. You are both doing remarkable. As a non christian, but still a spiritual person, I love how you both are so positive thru this. Best thoughts to you both. PS. I do hope you don’t test positive.:)

    1. Hello, Christina,
      We’re learning to take things one day at a time. As someone who has battled this stuff for 17 years, you know about the long road ahead. Helen is one of the most positive people I’ve ever known and that trait helps greatly. So far, I’m still testing negative, and that’s a good thing. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! Joe

  6. Hello Joe,
    Sorry to hear about Helen latest unexpected battle but glad to hear that she is now doing better! Keep fighting and take it one day at a time.
    Our thoughts and prayers continue for Helen and you.

    1. Good morning, Ron,
      Unexpected for sure–and the virus came on FAST. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. They are working and comforting. Have a great week and please stay in touch. Joe

  7. Wow! What a test of your resilience!!! One, I’m sure, you and Helen have passed with flying colors. It’s good to hear that Helen’s on the upswing – may every day be brighter than the last for her. Fingers crossed that you don’t pick up the virus and, if you do, that your symptoms are mild and your recovery is speedy. Joe, I’m always struck by the amount of support you and Helen have, and I know both of you are very appreciative. It does make me wonder how people without family and friends get through difficult times. I guess that’s more fodder for my prayer list. Hugs to you and Helen!

    1. Hello, Mary,
      Helen has put the symptoms of COVID behind her (very high fever) but is still self-isolating. I tested again today and I am still negative, so I attended my exercise class just for my mental health. Our friends and church family have been incredible. Helen was commenting this morning about how people get through something like this without support. I guess that means I still have a job ;-). LOL! Always great to hear from you. Joe

  8. Hi Joe, apparently my comment never made it to you. I just came back to check on you two and don’t see it here.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry that Helen had to deal with covid on top of everything else. But I’m so glad to know that she’s feeling better. And I hope you didn’t get it! You both take good care, and enjoy those beautiful spring blooms. 💕

    1. Laurel,
      Whew, I thought that we had lost you forever–so glad you decided not to do that to us! ;-), Helen tested negative yesterday and will hopefully have the drains removed today. If that happens, I might slip off and join up with our trout fishing club in the mountains for one night of our annual gathering. I might even fish, LOL! Thanks for checking in, we’re good today and taking things one day at a time. Please say in touch. Joe

      1. Hi Joe,

        I’m glad my comment made it through on the second try. I have no idea what happened to my first comment. I didn’t say anything that should have caused me to be censored, LOL!!!

        I hope you got to go fishing, because that means good news for Helen! One day at a time is always the best mantra. 🙂

        1. Good morning, Laurel,
          I thought I had banished the blog gremlins, but one of them must have come back over the border. It’s always great hearing from you, so thanks for being persistent. I didn’t get to go fishing–I was needed at home. We’re still taking things one day at a time. Today, we’re better. Please stay in touch and have a great week. Joe

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