Posted in Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Yosemite

Half Dome Through the Smoke

Massive wildfires kept us away from Yosemite National Park two years ago. We made it into the park last summer while the Park Service conducted a controlled burn. Hopefully, burn helped with the situation this year as the wildfires have returned once more.

Smoke Over the Creek

Our prayers go out to the brave firefighters working to save the sequoias. Words fail me when I attempt to describe the beauty of this place.

Yosemite Falls
Easin’ Along

8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Yosemite

  1. Sadly, wildfires are common and a part of life, more so in our western states. Those brave firefighters you mentioned, Joe, are often the only thing standing between our privilege of enjoying our national treasures like Yosemite and losing them. The same can be said about homes and livelihoods. I can’t imagine how challenging, stressful and exhausting that job is. I can, however, imagine how dangerous it is. These dedicated individuals all deserve our gratitude and our prayers.

    1. Amen, Mary,
      The brave men and women who sign up for that duty are usually very young. Last summer we passed by a firefighter encampment on our way to fish near Island Park, Idaho. The firefighters were out on the job, but I was amazed at the mountain of empty water bottles they left behind. The scene made me realize how important drinking water was to their health and safety. I hope they can work their magic around the giant sequoias. Great to hear from you. Joe

  2. Gorgeous shots of the second oldest NP in the US. May nature be kind so generations may inspired as well. We have two nephew’s who are fire fighters. We pray for their safety and service daily. Have a great week!

    1. Hi, Terri,
      I just read that this is a tough fire to get under control and the brave firefighters are losing ground at the moment. I remain confident they will urn it around. Stay safe on your trip. Joe

  3. Joe, as you know, the wildfires in the west are what ultimately made us decide to sell our home in Oregon and stay in Florida. We had a wildfire start two miles from our home in 2020 that devastated two communities.

    It makes me so sad to think of losing more of our beautiful wild places. Like you, I’m grateful to the firefighters who are so incredibly brave…and as you said, generally so incredibly young.

    1. Good morning, Laurel,
      We hopscotched around wildfires on our last two summer trips and feared for those in their path…including the firefighters. We watched from our campsite in San Bernadino as one fire started and thankfully got out ahead of it. I can’t imagine living two miles from one. Great to hear from you. I hope your trip is going well. Stay safe. Joe

    1. Hi, Donna,
      It may be my imagination, but while the Yosemite fire is tragic, there doesn’t seem to be as many fires this summer as in the last two. I hope I’m right so that there are plenty of resources to fight the fire in Yosemite. Thanks for checking in…hope your summer is going well. Joe

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