Posted in Fundamentals

Dear Big Daddy’s Granddaughter…


Author’s note: One of my New Year’s resolutions was a pledge to send a letter to one of my four grandchildren every week. Last week, I mentioned a reply from my granddaughter about how excited she was to meet Smoky, the travel trailer we would be bringing to her and her brother.  I mentioned her letter in last week’s post and received a comment from Mary who authors Reflections Around the Campfire, a well-written travel blog I follow.  Mary suggested that I send our grandchildren on the West Coast a letter from Smoky, who would not be making the trip now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  I took Mary’s suggestion.  Here is a reprint of the letter from Smoky to our granddaughter. This was her week.

February 23, 2020

Dear Big Daddy’s Granddaughter,

First, let me introduce myself.  My name is Smoky, and I am the new trailer that BeBe and Big Daddy planned to bring to California and give to you and your brother.  Trailers are made to travel and I was so very excited that I was about to go across America to meet you and take you camping.  Big Daddy tells me that those plans have changed and that it might be a while before we get to meet.  When I heard the news, I told Big Daddy that I would write this letter and let you know how disappointed I am.

Big Daddy spent a lot of time getting me all dressed up and ready for the trip.  He peeled all of the stickers off of my sides and then rubbed and rubbed until all of the glue came off too.  I have to tell you that all of that rubbing tickled my sides.  I tried not to laugh, but that is hard to do when someone has their fingers in your ribs.  Have you ever had someone tickle your ribs? I bet you have. After all of the glue came off, Big Daddy spent a lot of time putting a fresh coat of wax on me too.  I put a picture of me for you to see.  Don’t I look great?

Although trailers don’t get sick, I will have to stay at my home in the storage lot until BeBe and Big Daddy can take me out again.  That makes me very lonely.  Sometimes, I turn on the new TV that Big Daddy put in my kitchen so I can watch cartoons, but I get bored after a while and find myself wishing I could go camping with my friends like Timmy Trailer, Carla Camper, Teddy Truck, and Vickie Van. Here is a picture that I took on our last big camp-out. We had a great time until Teddy had a squirrel get under his hood and started running around inside. He cracked up and stuck a roasted marshmallow in his windshield.  Most of us laughed at him, but Teddy doesn’t like to get laughed at and he pouted for hours.

There are other trailers in the storage lot, but most of them are a lot older than I am and all they do is worry that their grandchildren are ok. BeBe and Big Daddy worry about all of their grandchildren constantly.  I’m too young to have grandchildren, but I really hope and pray that you and your brother stay well, wash your hands often, and stay home until all of this passes.  I’m sure it will pass soon. BeBe and Big Daddy are using a lot of hand sanitizer after they go to Trader Joe’s or the drug store.  I think that is a very good idea. 

I will close my letter now.  Once again, I’m sorry that I won’t get to see you for a while, but I promise that when we do go camping, we will have a wonderful time. When that happens, I can truly say that Smoky will be a very Happy Camper. 

Until then, I will think of you often.





P.S. BeBe and Big Daddy love you and miss you muchly and can’t wait until we are all Easin’ Along together!


24 thoughts on “Dear Big Daddy’s Granddaughter…

    1. Hey, Judy,
      Thanks for the nice comments and thanks for stopping by. I really had some fun with this one!

  1. Aww, Joe, that letter is so sweet! I appreciate the shout out but, since you were already into writing letters to your grandkids, I’ll bet you would have come up with the idea anyway. Now that I’ve read Smoky’s letter, and noted your creativity and ability to make a point without preaching, I’m thinking that, if you’re ever looking for another pastime, authoring children’s books just might be up your alley. Nicely done – I have no doubt that your granddaughter will be thrilled!

    1. Mary,
      I might have come up with it, but you inspired me and it was a great idea you had so, Thanks again. I’ve thought about putting children’s books together, but that takes work, and I’ve given up working. Maybe when we come off the road…if we can ever get back out there! Hope it is spring up there!

  2. Dear Joe,
    Several months ago, I mentioned to you that you that you should consider writing a book.
    It just dawned on me that you are! One day in the future, I hope you will consider combining all your weekly blogs into a book. My goodness, that would be special!
    Steph and I would like a signed 1st edition. Great job👍

    1. Hello, Addy,
      Thanks much! I can’t take credit for the idea, but I had fun doing it! Thanks also for visiting Easin’ Along. Hope you’ll come back.

    1. Martha,
      Great to hear from you! We plan to be on the road as soon as possible but, it’s not sounding good for California right now. Hope all is well with you and yours. Joe

    1. Hello, Dave,
      As soon as this chaos is over, I hope you’ll do it. Those are the times to treasure. Thanks for stopping by! Joe

    1. Good morning, Donna,
      I’m equally blessed. She’s a beautiful young lady. Word came back that the letter was well received. Great to hear from you. Joe

  3. You need to write a children’s book!!! That was such a cute story !! Can’t wait til the trip gets started and I hope you continue the story!! Take care!!

    1. Hi, Cammy,
      Thanks so much! Since I’m not a big telephone person, a letter suits me well as a way of staying in touch. Also, three of them have written me back and I LOVE that!

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